Sunday, June 2, 2013

The Invisible Disability That Becomes Visible

The first moment you look into your baby’s eyes time stops and your desire to protect what God has given you is all encompassing.
It was not until my child was over a year of age that I began to notice changes in his behavior that were not typical of other children his age and it was getting progressively worse. I couldn’t initially explain what I couldn’t see that was going on inside of m...y child. This invisible disability would later have many names that for me would be the beginning of discovery and a chance to make his life better.
I divorced my son’s father before my son was a year of age and felt it was best for the both of us. What I did not realize until much later was that my ex-husband has Attention Deficit Hyper Disorder. Since I had no prior experience or knowledge about this disorder as it was an invisible disability.
The ex-husband’s parents did nothing to help their son and saw nothing wrong with their grandchild. It was all the same to them and that only made matters worse. There was no consistency of routine, candies, and he was constantly getting sick.
My own family had brought me up with routine and my mother raised us in the basic nutrition of eating balanced meals. She helped me to start writing a diary of all foods eaten at our home and to find out what my son was eating at the grandparents as they had visitation. The connection between foods and how they are processed can bring about adverse reactions. Red and yellow dyes brought about bad conduct with my son and were eliminated from his diet. All of these steps helped but did not stop the progression.
The darkest moment of dealing with this invisible disorder that only I could see was when your child is crying that they want to be a good boy and seeing the struggle going on inside him that he could not control himself. It is hard to explain the ache from within myself for my son to want to make it better for him.
What made my life lighter in one aspect was putting names to what I was finding out was happening to my son. The invisible becomes more tangible when you can put a definition or meaning to it. These symptoms he was expressing had names.
This invisible disability became visible with other parents, teachers, and those who lived near us that were able to see us on a regular basis. They began to see consistencies in how he reacted in various situations of home, school, and socializing. Family members and quite a few other people felt the solution was to put my son on prescription drugs. This works for a lot of children and good nutrition, but with my son he was an exception to the rule. Prescription drugs for him were just a Band-Aid and he just kept getting worse.
The challenge for me as a parent was to take the information that had been given to me and figure out what steps that I needed to do to help my son so that he could lead a normal life. My beliefs and having parents who believed in structure helped me tremendously. I began with taking those names given to my son’s behaviors and breaking them down into symptoms. Symptoms became deficiencies within the body that would need to be fed.
Fortunately I was funded by a friend to do research to help my son and hopefully to help others worldwide. This was and is our dream.
Family, friends, and his doctor were not receptive to this natural approach of using Vitamins, Minerals, and Anti-spasmodic Herbs. Many disagreements and arguments were a way of life until they went from skeptics to believers as my son got increasingly better.
My life was centered on helping my son and that was all there was to it. I gave my notice to a couple of jobs as they felt that I should be dating, not writing blogs to help others, and there was more to life than my son. When I gave birth to my son it was a commitment to being there for him no matter what situation. A few people I knew thought what I was trying to accomplish was commendable and beneficial to the multitudes. The people I shared information with and helped them with their child(ren) felt what I was doing was priceless.
I wrote a couple of books that would answer the questions that I was searching for and give options available.
What I can tell you now is that my son was diagnosed and later undiagnosed due to nutrition and anti-spasmodic herbs. The icing on the cake is that he is a consistent blessing to me and others. He went into the service and was asked to be on Honor Guard. He just finished Honor Guard and is planning on becoming a Psychologist and Japanese interpreter as soon as he gets out.
My challenge to you is to start seeking solutions today!

Michelle J. Bever
Author – Nutrition Made Simple, Correcting Learning & Behavioral Disorders Naturally!

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